
The defence of the film heritage implies also carrying out programmes for the spreading of the cinematographic culture. Accordingly, the Film Archive develops an intense programme of screening that welcomes all kind of filmographies, from the furthest-off to those which are done here; from the tradition to the avant-garde; from the fictional language to the documentary; and all of this covering miscellaneous media, from the most primitive to the latest advances in technology.

All of this is developed from a pluralistic and comprehensive perspective of the cinematographic phenomenon in its extent, promoting programmes that are committed to the continuity, and committed to a breeding ground that generates new spectators for the cinema and that connects with other artistic and knowledge disciplines.
These spreading activities are carried out at the headquarters of the Film Archive in Córdoba, and in our movie theatres that are located in Biblioteca de Andalucía in Granada, in Museo de Almería and also in Cine Cervantes de Sevilla.
Movie Theatres